In “48 Hours In Jaipur, India: How To Experience The Spectacular Pink City In Style”, Mr. Jim Dobson opens the article by highlighting The Oberoi, New Delhi by saying “Long used for heads of state as well as almost every celebrity you can imagine, The Oberoi New Delhi offers up the ultimate decadent accommodations for luxury travelers including the stunning 3,500 sf Kohinoor Suite. One of the largest suites I have ever toured, you find yourself wandering through a vast silk paneled house in the sky with views on one side of the UNESCO Humayun’s Tomb and relaxing panoramic vistas of the expansive forests and golf course on the other.” adding “Dinner that night started at the Oberoi's beautiful rooftop bar Cirrus 9 for cocktails before dining at my favorite Chinese restaurant in India, Baoshuan led by Michelin star Chef Andrew Wong. The hotel also offers another top Indian restaurant in the city, Omya headed up by India's youngest Michelin star Chef Alfred Prasad.”
Coming to The Oberoi Rajvilas, Jaipur, he says “We were welcomed like royalty with a full procession and musicians as we were taken to the beautiful Kohinoor Villa, the ultimate lodging at the resort. Located in a traditional Rajasthani fort-like setting, surrounded by fountains and lush gardens, the 32 acre Oberoi Rajvilas offers up 54 rooms, 13 luxury glamping tents, one Royal Tent, as well as two additional villas.” adding “The Kohinoor Villa is a private paradise spread across 1056.9 square meter. The private 60-foot swimming pool with peacocks frolicking about fronts the dining pavilion.” and “This is a property fit for princes, and that is how we were treated throughout.”
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48 Hours In Jaipur, India How To Experience The Spectacular Pink City In Style An immersive photo journey through New Delhi and Jaipur with Micato Safaris and Oberoi Hotels
Second child until maximum age of 12 years will be accommodated in the same room at additional supplement. The additional amount is not included in the room price mentioned and shall be payable at the hotel during check-out.
400 AED (including tax)
250 AED (including tax)