Exclusive member rates
Late check out
Savings on dining
Premium WiFi
Complimentary stays and
24x7 dedicated guest assistance
Choose from air-conditioned tents with private gardens or magnificent villas with temperature-controlled swimming pools.
Experience unparalleled luxury in the heart of nature.
Each bespoke air-conditioned tent is situated in an expansive private garden with a floating island deck and is adorned with local motifs and abundant natural light. The spacious bedroom features a king or twin bed, complemented by an ensuite bathroom and dressing area. The lush landscaping around each tent creates an oasis of tranquillity, perfect to unwind and reconnect with the beauty of your surroundings.
Second child until maximum age of 12 years will be accommodated in the same room at additional supplement. The additional amount is not included in the room price mentioned and shall be payable at the hotel during check-out.
400 AED (including tax)
250 AED (including tax)